In Review: Neptune’s Core EP Release Show
Photos by Linnea Cheng
Neptune’s Core solidified their spot in the up-and-coming indie Chicago scene with their heart-pounding EP release show at Metro.
If there was anything that initially surprised me about Metro’s latest Local Series showcase on August 26th it was the youthfulness of the crowd. Looking around as I walked in, there were already young concertgoers staking out their spot along the barricade – so young that I, at 20 years old, felt a little old. However, as soon as the lights dimmed, all of that washed away as Neptune’s Core came on stage and took the audience by storm.
Neptune’s Core is a group comprised of two sets of sisters: Sofie and Hannah Richter and Jackie and Kaitlin Cywinski. The band celebrated the release of their new EP, Called Upon, at Metro. Rounding out the Local Series bill were indie bands OK Cool and Motel Breakfast, both of whom brought their own unique stage presence to Metro’s stage.
Seeing Neptune’s Core live is a memorable experience: the scream-worthy lyrics, the careful melodies, the emotive vocals, the enamoring stage presence of all four members, the vibrant energy they inevitably spread to the whole room. Their sisterly bond was evident all throughout their act as they performed Called Upon, in addition to some older and unreleased songs as well. The thundering guitar distortion added an eeriness to the band’s music, enveloping the audience into their distinct sound. Whether it was Sofie belting out lyrics while crawling on the ground, Hannah dancing around light on her feet with her bass, Jackie rocking it out on her guitar, or Kaitlin’s unwavering smile for the entire show while she banged away on the drums, it was clear Neptune’s Core is passionate about what they’re doing.
“Unloved” is the standout of the EP, starting as a slow burn of a song that ultimately explodes in a heartbreaking revelation that “it wasn’t meant to be.” Sofie’s vocals were captivating – you can hear every breath she takes as she sings from the pit of her stomach, bringing the emotion of the song right to the surface. The rawness of the song was only compounded live as the band perfectly built anticipation and energy until the break in “Unloved.” To say it was electrifying is an understatement. Quite literally I felt my whole-body tingle as I watched this badass of a group put their all into their performance.
After Neptune’s Core, OK Cool’s endeared themselves to the young fans in the audience, some of whom knew the songs’ lyrics by heart. Complete with a rendition of “Happy Birthday” for the bassist and a cover of a Vampire Weekend song, OK Cool was able to engage their fans throughout their whole set.
Motel Breakfast ended the showcase with an energetic, spunky, and at times goofy performance that was joyfully entertaining, to say the least. Every member of the band was a character in their own right and a joy to watch. Part of their charm was how much fun they looked like they were having.
While Metro hasn’t had too many of their Local Series concerts, I can’t stress how much I recommend attending these performances if you can. They’re cheap, they’re fun, and they give you the opportunity to see these local bands before inevitably, someday, they make it big. It is such a great chance to see the promising bands that are emerging from Chicago right now, all of whom have the talent and spark to expand beyond the Midwest.

Photos by Linnea Cheng